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The Problem

While the world is focusing on being green and climate change, during the conference in November 2021 we saw most of the VIPs flying in on private jets; which are the worst polluters.
This contradiction permeates the recycling efforts. Unfortunately recycling in this country amounted to bundling it into containers and shipping to 3rd world countries.
Big Tech
Big Tech and large companies would have us believe that they are good stewards of the planet and hyper cognizant of the importance of recycling and yet....

Rare Earth Mining
Rare earth mining produces highly toxic waste most often left standing in lakes and rivers
Rare earths you hear about constantly and they are necessary for many electronics and the electric vehicles (EV) batteries rely upon cobalt, nickel, lithium, and a range of other elements.
We're told EVs will save the planet but no one talks about the terrible destructive environmental impact of mining for rare earths.
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